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Sally Haglund

From Sally:

Spending all day with my dad at "the shop," - the family-owned silk screen printing company - was a multi-sensory adventure for me as a child. Smelling emulsions in the cavernous dark room; hearing the percussive sounds of the large presses; handling the different weights of paper; watching dad "carve away" negative space around lettering using an exacto knife all fascinated me. As did the morgue, a resource file cabinet bursting with typeface and images. My affection for print, type face, paper and exacto knives prompted me to study graphic design. However, I also discovered colorful fabrics, texture, furniture and space planning receiving a BA in Interior Design.


Working in Chicago, I frequently attended lectures and seminars at the Merchandise Mart sponsored by upholstery fabric manufacturers. Gorgeous full color brochures enticing designers to specify their Chintz or Mohair were distributed. I kept them all. Finding those samples years later, as I purged my file cabinet, I couldn't part with the colorful, patterned and textural images on heavy paper.

When I began painting, I felt a surge of excitement...paper, paint, tools, handling the materials. Flooded with fond memories, I entered a familiar place. I learned to first see, then draw and paint.

Creating TEXTURE on the canvas using the PAPER treasures I saved. Thick PAINT and thin glazes reveal hidden PRINT.  PATTERNs emege in the positive and negative spaces as I define my composition and create brightly COLORed IMAGES.  

©2024 by AIR Studio & Gallery. Proudly created with 

348 Tudor Court, Glencoe, IL 60022

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